

Choosing the Right GenStone Faux Stone Panels

20 years ago, if you wanted to use faux stone as an exterior siding option, you might have had a half-dozen or so options to choose from.

Today, GenStone offers more than 30 different style and color theme choices ranging from natural-looking stacked stone to Chicago-style faux brick.

One of the first steps in the design process is choosing the right GenStone faux stone or faux brick paneling, a decision that can be made easier by contacting GenStone directly and working with their design experts.

chicago faux brick

Measurements and Ordering

Another part of the design process involves determining how many panels will be needed for installation. This can be done by performing a basic mathematical calculation.

  1. To find the square footage of the exterior wall to be treated, measure the length and height of each wall in feet you plan to install GenStone on.
  2. Next, multiply the length by the height to determine the total square footage. If you are covering multiple walls, add the square footage of each wall together to find the total square footage.
  3. Lastly, you divide the square footage of your install area by the coverage area of the panel.

GenStone faux stone panels measure 3.2 square feet in area. GenStone faux brick panels measure 3.61 square feet.

After this calculation has been completed, all that’s left is to place the order for your GenStone panels and have them delivered to the job site.

Faux Stone wall sample

GenStone Faux Stone and Faux Brick Maintenance

After installation, you’ll want to seal the faux stone or faux brick surfaces using water-based concrete sealant. This is widely available at most home improvement stores including Lowe’s and Home Depot.

After the surface has been sealed, it will be well-protected against UV exposure and the elements. After inclement weather, simply use water and a mild detergent to wash surfaces.

Any areas of chipping or other damage can be easily touched up using color-matched paint, just specify the color code and use Sherwin-Williams exterior, latex-based paints.

All GenStone siding material is backed by an industry-leading, 25-year limited warranty. And, the team at GenStone is always available to assist in any phase of the installation process, from design to aftercare.

Learn more about the use of high-quality GenStone materials by visiting the GenStone website or contacting Capital Steel Industries for more information.